Marawi Grade 4 pupils take Special NAT

By Gloria D Galo, Ph.D FRIEdr

“MCD hopes for more "Star Bright" schools for this Special NAT for Grade 4.”

National Achievement Test (NAT) is a regular examination program of the Department of Education (DepEd) under the division of National Testing Research Center.

This is a kind of program to assess the academic performance of the learners. A kind of tool that indicates how far a certain learner has gone through.

In Marawi City Division, a special NAT for Grade 4 had been given simultaneously on August 15, 2016, wherein all schools under the 9 districts have joined.

It was monitored by a representative from DepEd Central Office named Mr. Earnie Pamor, and Ms. Renalyn Garcia from DepEd-ARMM, together with the 3 Area Supervisors in English, Science, and Mathematics — Dr. Gloria D. Galo, Dr. Fatimah Mognie, and Supvr Noraida Casan respectively.

The Division Testing Coordinator, Ms. Jalilah Alonto supervised the over all administration of this Special NAT for Grade 4.

The monitoring process was done at random, only three schools were monitored: Cadayonan ES, Sultan Conding ES and Sikap ES. These three schools were all visited by the mentioned members of the monitoring team.


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