Lanao IPHO, Kapai RHU mark Family Planning

As Part of the Breastfeeding and Family Planning Month Celebration every August, the Integrated Provincial Health Office of Lanao del Sur, headed by Dr. Alinader Minalang and the Kapai RHU headed by Dr. Sarifollah Alonto, launched the event at the Kapai Municipal Hall last August 23, 2016.

Family Planning is one of the DOH programs being implemented in the province and nationwide as well.

As an Islamic Community, the people of Lanao has a lot of misconceptions in regards to family planning such as its safety and, importantly, whether it is Haram or Halal.

Family Planning is the planning of the couple as to how many children they should ideally have and to discuss in regards to its spacing. It does not mean strictly limiting or avoiding having children. This is of course for the welfare of the mother and the whole family.

Some advantages of family planning is that it makes sure that the mother’s health is taken care of especially when the proper spacing of every 3 years is followed because it will give the mother’s body to fully recuperate after birth. Aside from that, it will also give ample time and attention to the children that the couple already has as well as time for each other and their own selves. Financially, they will also be able to budget their earnings properly within their family.

There are also different contraceptives and family planning methods, both natural and artificial, that couples can choose from and are being offered at all DOH-accredited facilities.

All the Rural Heath Units in Lanao del Sur are also offering Family Planning counselling to all couples who are interested and after which they can also avail of their chosen methods, which are given free, at the said RHUs.

During the launch at Kapai, around 200 mothers and couples gathered to hear discussions regarding the said topic.

The event was graced by Kapai’s Chief of Staff, Khadija Gauraki-Pasige and MPDO Mr. Mashor Mamolawan, who delivered messages in behalf of the Municipal Mayor Hamza Gauraki.

Dra. Rasnaifah Batugan, an OB-Gyne from APMC lectured on Family Planning and the different methods that couples can choose from.

She emphasized the safety of each of the methods, and debunked certain misconceptions such as that it causes abortion and other congenital anomalies.

A Muslim Religious Leader of Ramain ,Aleem Ansano Disomimba, was also invited to talk about the Fatwa on Family Planning which was that it is Halal so long as it follows within the teachings of Islam.

He cited Qur’anic verses which talk about preserving one’s health which coincides with FP’s goal in taking care of the mother’s health and its other family members which is important.

Aside from the speakers, a role play from the RHU Staff as well as Q & A sessions with the audience as well as games were also conducted wherein the winning mothers and couples were given freebies. tnrs

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