EDITORIAL. Whose Welfare is Paramount?

Some officials in DepEd-ARMM and the Division of City Schools of Marawi may need to reexamine why their department and positions exist in the first place.

It should be realized by everyone that the welfare of the young learners is the reason for their being. It is their ultimate goal to inculcate in the young minds the right values and the knowledge, skills and abilities that will make the latter well-rounded personalities and upright citizens as soon as they become adults.

It is unfortunate to note, however, that officials bicker among themselves right within the knowledge and awareness of adolescent students who are affected by resulting disruptions in the campus.

Reports indicate that on Monday, 21 September, a crowd gathered in the Dansalan National High School (DNHS) campus because some of them were supporters of a new Principal about to be installed pursuant to an order of DepEd-ARMM Secretary while others were followers of the Division Superintendent who opposed the said order.

The Division Superintendent insisted that such an order should be coursed through her but she opposed it on the ground of illegality.

It appears that an existing Court litigation is underway concerning what seems to be a power struggle between the DepEd Secretary and the Division of City Schools. Orders of the former are being defied by the latter.

Whether the dispute concerns questions either of law or fact, do not matter to this paper. It is a subject that only the Court can resolve.

What concerns the fourth estate is the prolonged confusion and anguish that are not only felt by the protagonists but also their subordinates, pupils and students.

It is definitely a bad example for learners to see that their teachers and adult models are behaving in a way that smacks of greed and self-interest. Struggles between and among adults must not be seen and felt by the learners lest they will take them as a norm that they could apply later in life.

It is prayed therefore that all concerned including the Honorable Court resolve the impasse now prevailing in the Division of City Schools. All must consider that the welfare and future of the learners must not be prejudiced.

When giants fight, the dwarfs suffer. TNRS

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