What Ramadhan teaches us

Sarip Batua ko Madaya

The word “Ramadhan” is derived from the root “R-M-Dh”, which indicates “Heat” and “Restlessness”. It is said that the name of the month indicates the hardships which accompany a fast, like thirst and a comparative restlessness.

But the best explanatory was given by the Holy Prophet himself. He said “Ramadhan burns the sins and faults as the fire burns the wood”

“O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint.

Fast cleans our body from impurities. Likewise, it must purify our hearts and minds from all impure thoughts, improper desires and undiscipline sensations.

The holy Prophet saw a woman who was fasting in that day (Not in Ramadhan) abusing her girl-servant. The Prophet admonished her and told her to break her fast. The woman protested. “But I am fasting today”. The Holy Prophet said “But was not your fast broken by the abuses you were hurting upon that poor girl”.

Imam Ja’far-a-Sadiq has said “your fast should not be like other ordinary days.. when you fast all your senses ‒eyes, ears, tongue, hands, and feet ‒must fast with you. How?

EYES: keep your eyes from unlawful things and objects. Spend this most precious gift of God in good cause and pious acts and read Qur’an and Dua’s.

EARS: abstain from hearing gossip, lies, false statement, music and obscene topics. Pay your attention towards sermons and topics of learning etc.

TONGUE: do not tell lies on useless tales, do not spread rumors or damaging gossips about other person; keep aloof from falsity. Use the power of speech in spreading the words of God, in creating goodwill in the society.

HAND: do not inflict injury upon others by your actions; instead strive to help them as much as you can.

FEET: do not go towards forbidden places, like bars and cinemas. Do not run between people creating strife. Go towards those places where God is remembered, and your movements should be to bring people together.

And above all your heart and mind must be with you in fasting. Because fast in its real sense, will not be complete unless your thoughts, your emotions, your actions in short, all aspects of our life‒become pure, clean and free from blemish.

“O ye, who believe, turn to Allah with sincere repentance, in the hope that your lord will remove from your sins and admit you to the Heaven.

“Naturally, Ramadhan also is the best time to decide how are we going to live in the coming year we should know what to do we want to achieve and how. Why not start making your programme just now?

O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-reliant.

(Fasting) for a fixed number of days, but if anyone is ill or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship) it is a ransom. The feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more of his own free will, it is best for him. And it is better for you that you fast.

Ramadhan is the month set down in The Holy Qur’an as a guide to mankind and also has clear signs for guidance and judgment between right and wrong. So everyone who is present (at his house) during that month should spend it in fasting. Allah intends every facility for you. He does not want to put you through difficulties. He wants you to complete the prescribed period and to glorify him in that He may guide you, and perchance you shall be grateful. (Holy Qur’an 2: 183 – 185).

Unofficially estimated to be around five million, the Maranao People Join the more than a billion Muslim believers in observing the fast in the Holy month of Ramadhan which starts July 17,2015.

All Muslims, men and women, who reach the age of puberty and in sound health is enjoined by the Most Exalted One to fast during Ramadhan, the ninth month of Hijrah Lunar Year, in accordance with how it is prescribed by Diving Guidance as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and in accordance with the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (sallallaahu alaihi wa aalihi).

Fasting by the Muslims are done in the same manner, in the same duty and at the same time. It is aimed to cleanse the body physically and purify the soul spiritually.

Physically, fasting means total abstaining from food, drink, intimate intercourse and smoking and all physical temptations from dawn to sunset. Spiritually, it means abstaining from hurting any of the creatures of God that includes uttering bad words and doing unethical things, among others.

Religions scholars said that during Ramadhan, Allah gives man an ever-growing tree of infinite virtues and invaluable products. Some of these virtues and benefits are:

It teaches man sincere love for God and his fellowmen;

It teaches man genuine virtues of effective devotion, honest dedication and closeness to God;

It teaches man to be vigilant and have a sound conscience. A fasting person keeps his fasting secret as well in public. There is no mundane authority to check man’s behavior or compel him to observe fasting;

It teaches man to be patient and unselfish. The pain he feels upon deprivation of food and physical temptation which he endures patiently, will make him realize the severe effect of such pains of others, who might be deprived of essential commodities in his life;

It teaches man self-discipline for his passionate desires and place his self above physical temptation. It develops a man’s character to have will power and self-determination;

It teaches man to acquire a new way of wise saving and sound budgeting because the less he eats, the lest money he spends;

It teaches man to master the art of nature adaptability and to overcome the unpredictable hardships of life;

It teaches man the course of discipline and health survival. A man observing the consecutive days of the holy month of Ramadhan certainly applies himself to a high form of discipline and superb sense of order;

It teaches the real spirit of social belonging of unity and brotherhood,
 of equality before the order of God and the law.

Muslims who have purified themselves in Ramadhan, on the Eid Al-Fitr Festival of Fasting, will have power and pray for their forgiveness with strength.

Almighty God assures those who approach Him sincerely of His forgiveness. Therefore, a Muslim feels shame before Allah to harbor ill feeling towards his brothers including non-Muslims. On this day he must forgive those who have done wrong to him so that he would be forgiven.

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