I believe in Jesus!


“The Muslims’ situation is growing bad because there is no strong leader who can unite them. We understand that having a strong leadership is a threat to the superpowers. Hence, the super powers will never allow that and to prevent the Muslims to have a global strong leader, they will keep the Muslims disunite forever, and will eliminate any Muslim leader showing up that the world Muslims can rally on.”

I am not a Christian like other Christians who hold the Bible to turn to in times of need. But I believe in Jesus Christ as one who went to the world for a divine mission, whose teachings have made a good lot to humanity. He brought guidance to mankind to be saved and go to Heaven. 

Yes, I believe in Jesus.

But people call me Muslim, not Christian. Indeed, I am happy to be called Muslim. 

Although I may not be a perfect one, I am trying to be a good Muslim, especially when the world is unveiling its curtain to those whose ages are like mine for an exit.

But there are various kinds of Muslims. Among them is one who look at life with wide, open mind, one who appreciates ways of life of other people like the way Christians celebrate Christmas. I am of this kind. 

I believe in Jesus.

But I do not believe that Jesus Christ was born on December 25. I do not also believe that Jesus Christ commanded those who believe in him to celebrate Christmas, much more spend a lot of their earning for merry go round in this occasion. To me, these waste of money, effort and time were depicted from the paganistic rituals of the past. And Jesus did not love this kind of israf.

But I am happy for the Christians. I extend them heartfelt congratulations on this occasion. Allah has enjoined all of mankind to live in peace and harmony for a better world and happy life. Thus He commanded every Muslim to respect the beliefs and faiths of others. 

This is one of my ways to express and show respect.


Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ every 25th of December. The date, however, is not agreed upon by all as the exact date of Jesus’ natal day. 

In fact, some say the date was taken from an ancient pagan belief which said that December 25 was the birthday of a Roman god. As to its veracity of this, only God knows. Allahu ‘alam.

But the truth on the exact date does not matter much any longer to present-day Christianity. What matters now, and very significantly, is the unified date of celebration the Jesus’ followers are doing during Christmas. It is universal phenomenon

Notwithstanding with the differences among Christian sects, the adoption of December 25 as Jesus ‘birthday is one act that has taught the world on the importance of unity as a power and strength; and that unity can easily be achieved if there is strong leadership (yes strong leadership) like the Pontiff.

This is where the Muslims of today miscarry. The Ummah is the most disunited people in the world. They do not only disagree on rituals such as appearance or visibility of the new moon in order to start or end fasting during Ramadhan; or the way of worship, or the definition of halal, or on the many other differences. 

Worst, they are also fighting and killing each other. What is happening in the Middle East is a reality, not a mere media blitz to serve the purpose of the superpowers that we know are behind all these devil and inhumanly acts perpetrated by and against the Muslims.

If not of the strong and firm taqwa (belief and fear) of the Muslims of their Creator, they would already have been subjugated and lost their religion the way their properties and patrimonies are slowly taken away from them — all because of the Muslim's’ disunity that leads them even to the extent of killing each other.

The Muslims’ situation is growing bad because there is no strong leader who can unite them. We understand that having a strong leadership is a threat to the superpowers. Hence, the super powers will never allow that and to prevent the Muslims to have a global strong leader, they will keep the Muslims disunite forever, and will eliminate any Muslim leader showing up that the world Muslims can rally on. 

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