Initial List of Ranao Star Philippines Colleagues
In Ranao Star official Facebook Page @TheRanaoStar, we have published earlier that many people, specially foreigners, pretend to be working with Ranao Star Philippines as appeared in their timeline when in fact they have never been eversince connected with us. We are afraid some unscrupulous persons are doing this for bad intent.
As we have said, RSP will issue soon a list of all those who at one time or another have been connected with us officially and who are entitled to show it in their timelines, hereunder is an intital list:
1. Dean Masiding Noor Yahya - founder and editor-in-chief
2. Bai Rocaya Sumndad Otical Yahya - publisher and general manager
3. Atty. Nasser Marohomsalic - legal adviser
4. Frank E. Dosdos, Jr. - senior editorial consultant
5. Dr. Ali B. Panda - contributing writer
6. Arnold Aji Garbanzos - contributing writer
7. Salic "Exchan" Sharief, Jr. - contributing writer
The list continues after validation.
5. Dr. Ali B. Panda - contributing writer
6. Arnold Aji Garbanzos - contributing writer
7. Salic "Exchan" Sharief, Jr. - contributing writer
The list continues after validation.
From the Publisher