LLARWAT conducts Hands-on Training on Mushroom Production
One constraint in the sustainability and expansion of mushroom growing in the Philippines though is lack of proper technology transfer program and support. The mushroom research and extension laboratory at the Department of Plant Science of the Mindanao State University (MSU) – College of Agriculture has been existing for years and it can attest to the growing interest of the Filipino people in mushrooms and the need for technical expertise on mushroom growing all over the Region. Lack of financial support prevents the College in sharing its capability to carry out projects and continuously provide necessary technical support to mushroom growers all over the country.
To help begin the initiative in Lanao del Sur (LDS), the Lake Lanao-Agus River Watershed Area Team (LLARWAT) of the National Power Corporation – Mindanao Generation, conducted a hands-on training on mushroom production in MSU - Marawi Campus last December 12-14, 2016. The activity was in partnership with the MSU - College of Agriculture where Dr. Celeste N. Querijero, Faculty of the Department of Plant Science, was favored as Resource Person. Dr. Querijero is a Specialist in Horticulture minor in Crop Protection which she took at the Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija in 2007. She was assisted by some of her students and by Mr. Joel Cabasis, Mushroom Agricultural Technician. Among the demonstrations conducted were Grain Spawn Preparation Technique, Fermentation of Substrates and Inoculation/Incubation of Bag Substrates.
The objective of the training was to introduce the mushroom industry in LDS by providing technical support to all mushroom growers, big or small. The activity was also pursuant to NPC’s Corporate Social Responsibility & the Watershed Management Division’s mission of enhancing NPC generation plants and facilities and client image through watershed projects, programs and activities.
WMD Manager Forester Kharis R. Maranda expressed his full support to realizing the participants’ vision. A total of 30 participants composed of thirty-two (32) male and eight (8) female attended the said training. One of the goals of the training is to promote LDS as the mushroom capital in the Region.
In behalf of the farmers of Lake Lanao, Retired PNP General Mongcao D. Angintaopan, Sr. expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the NPC – WMD for organizing trainings that creates alternative livelihoods to the people of the Lake. ‘This will strengthen support of the M’ranaos to the projects and programs of NPC particularly in taking care of Lake Lanao and its environs’, he added. A certificate of recognition was given to each participant who completed the 3-day training. wmd