July 14, 2018
ILIGAN CITY: The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) Davao del Norte turned-over, on Wednesday, July 11, 2018, P4,875,000.00 worth of common service facilities (CSF) to various agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBO) of the municipalities of Sto. Tomas and Carmen and the City of Panabo in Davao del Norte.
Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer I (PARPO) Leo F. Nuñeza, who headed the turn-over ceremony held in Diamond Farms Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (DARBMUPCO) in Barangay Alejal, Municipality of Carmen, said the CSF include farm machineries composed of 10 units of mechanical dryer (drawer type), 10 units of mechanical chipper/slicer (feed grade), one unit of mechanical chipper/slicer (food grade), one (1) unit mechanical dryer (tunnel type) and one (1) unit pulverizer.
“These machineries are provided to you by the DAR to boost your agricultural productions, thus to improve your organization’s and farm income,” Nuñeza said.
The recipient ARBOs include DARMUPCO, Banana Growers Cooperative (BSBG), Marsman Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (MARBCO), Marsman Individual Farmers Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative (MIFARBCO), DAPCO Agrarian Reform Multi-Purpose Cooperative-MDS (DARBCO-MDS), DAPCO Agrarian Reform Multi-Purpose Cooperative-IFS (DARBCO-IFS), Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Individual Self-manage Multi-Purpose Cooperative (ARBISM), Checkered Farm Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CFARBEMPCO) and the Beneficiaries of Agrarian Reform of Checkered Farms Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BARC-MPC).
Aurora A. Cañesal, Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer of DAR Regional Support Services Division, encouraged the recipient to take good care of what was given to them by the government.
“The current administration is in full support to the development of the different agrarian reform organizations in the country and the said facilities are huge contributions in the local and national progress,” Cañesal said.
On the other hand, Octavio Valle, Municipal Administrator of Carmen thanked the department for choosing and providing the said facilities to the cooperatives of the municipality because it also helps in the economic stability of Carmen.
Also present on the event are Victor Sicam, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Senior Labor Employment Officer, Dominica Abat, Carmen Municipal Cooperative Development Council representative, Arturo Sahol, Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee representative, DARPO Chief Legal Officer Joselito Pingoy, MARPO Francisca Ferrer of Carmen, MARPO Floradelfa Montes of Sto. Tomas, MARPO Beatriz Alconera of Panabo City and DARPO Operation Division Personnel led by CARPO Floro Florasil Astillo.
Part of the turnover was the ceremonial signing of the certificate of acceptance by the representatives of the ARBOs and the procedure demonstration of the mechanical dryers and chippers. - With a story from www.dar.gov.ph