CHED urges full support to students affected by the Marawi Crisis

Iligan City, Philippines
June 24, 2017
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has advised all its central and regional offices and high educational institutions (HEI) to extend full assistance and support to students affected by the crisis in Marawi City.
In a memorandum dated June 14, 2017 furnished this writer, Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan, CHED’s chairperson, urged all CHED central and regional offices and HEIs to extend any form of assistance to alleviate the condition of affected students pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994” and Republic Act No. 10121 or the “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010,” and in line with the adoption of urgent measures to facilitate relief and rehabilitation operations in areas affected by the Marawi crisis.
Licuanan said such assistance include but not limited to the following:
1. Admission of all affected student enrollees/transferees who are unable to present proper academic records/credentials due to disruption of HEI operations pending the resumption of the regular operations and proper processing of documents;
2. Provision by HEIsand other stakeholders of full support and appropriate assistance such as waiver of tuition and other fees or grants-in-aid, emergency financial assistance to meet basic needs for food water and temporary shelter/accommodation, counseling services, etc. as warranted by the circumstances of the affected students; and
3. Extension by the concerned CHED Central Office of its resources and services including financial assistance, counseling services and accommodations in appropriate cases or situations.
Licuanan also enjoined HEIs to submit a report to CHED on the details of their activities and assistance to students, possibly on a weekly basis which will serve as CHED’s tool in assessing the situation on the ground as well as consolidating the short-term and medium-term logistical requirements for rehabilitation in higher education.
To facilitate communications, CHED has established the following contact details to properly coordinate all efforts, address issues and further raise the awareness of all concerned:
Mobile number: (+63) 0999-4445996