MPDC, CBMS focal persons train on use of CBMS Apps in Palawan

By Celeste Anna R. Formoso

PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, April 9 (PNA) -- Representatives from 19 municipalities, including this city, are currently undergoing a 5-day training on the use of the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) App Module 1.

To end on April 11, 50 participants took part in the CBMS App Module 1 training organized and facilitated by the provincial government’s Research, Statistics and Evaluation Division (RSED) of the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) in partnership with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)-Region IV.

They are composed of municipal planning and development coordinators, CBMS focal point persons, and key employees of the municipal and city governments.

Frank Paduga, officer-in-charge of the PPDO, said the importance of the CBMS for gathering accurate data and information is related to the present-day status of households, barangays, municipalities and the province.

“We need to provide trusted information on the current status of the people, the services we’re giving them where they are, and to correct information that we’ve overlooked to be able to properly plan how we can help them for development. The CBMS App can help us measure the level of poverty, in making a poverty map so that we know who to help, and what causes poverty,” Paduga said.

He added the collected data and information will become the basis in formulating the Annual Investment Plan and other plans for development in consonance with the Infrastructure, Health, Education, Livelihood and Protection of the Environment (IHELP) development agenda of Governor Jose Alvarez’ leadership.

On the first day of training, Jacqueline Manalon, Local Government Operations Officer (LGOO) V, explained that the CBMS App (Accelerated Poverty Profiling) and the CBMS Portal is a web-based platform, where the CBMS database will be placed.

Fatima Santiago, LGOO IV, also discussed about the CBMS Scan, the software that will be used to collect and process the data that will be collected from the households and the barangays.

On the use of the CBMS App, there is a need to have tablets for the municipalities, especially the persons that will act as administrators of the CBMS account and the portal.

The participants were also taught the procedure in registering in the CBMS Portal and the opening the CBMS Scan. Tablets were also registered for each municipality in the portal for the province.

This was followed by the installation of the CBMS scan in the tablet device of each municipality.

On the other hand, Josephine Escaño, chief of the RSED, explained that with the CBMS App, they expect a speedier collection and processing of data.

It will protect too, the security and confidentiality of the information from the barangays, municipalities and the province since only registered CBMS Portal users can open their accounts.

In using the new technology, the CBMS Network believes that using the tablets is more efficient than paper-based since missing data can be avoided, which usually happens in the traditional collection.

In the tablet, the user can be alerted if a data is missing. Manalon added that validation can be easier instead of manually getting the data using pen and paper.

In the new system, focus can be given to examine data and information by the field editor because he or she will no longer worry if something is missing in the material that was entered by the field enumerators.

Each municipality will have to establish its own field coordinator, field editor and enumerator aside from the official of the LGU, who will also have access in the LGU account and work group.

The system administrator of the province will come from the Research, Statistics and Evaluation Division ng PPDO.

The CBMS was tried first in 1999, and also Palawan was the first province that was able to publish its Human Development Report base on the CBMS. (PNA)

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